About Us
So, what is your message?
Every meaningful book begins with a purposeful message. Every purposeful message is designed by a message architect.
That is YOU – our Author!
Every serious author needs a space to craft the message’ branding and distribution. Branding is fueled by passion, and is executed by a skilled team and network. That is US – YOUR STUDIO of Books!
In the world of publishing where thousands of other books compete for a space, the game is about relevant BRANDING. If you think you have done it before, and spent resources without returns, then you have not done it yet. The best targeted and well-crafted marketing and distribution strategy starts in the drawing board, in our studio. Let us take you to where there is a true space for what you want and what you dream for your book.
Leave to us the execution.
We understand that the value of a dollar is just as important as every message of a book. Now is the time to TRULY invest on what matters > a space for YOUR MESSAGE and bringing it to YOUR READERS.
Content Management
First things first, let’s make sure that your book is catchy and attractive, and bookstore worthy through cover design, illustrations and editorial professionalism.
We truly understand that your passion can only go so far without resources. Let us not get that in the way to move forward, our financing service will do just that for your book!
Targeted Distribution routes
We streamline your book distribution right to your market readers and book buyers, worldwide.
Free publishing
Whether it’s your book’s first time, or a restart, we’ll make it easy as it is free, for qualified titles.
Targeted Branding Strategies
Let’s combine your creative work, and our marketing strategies to make your book BRAND. We need to get your book boost its online presence.
Full Author Support
We GUARANTEE that our Publicist will work with you from start until your book gets to your readers’ hand. Hassle-free, author-friendly and definitely simple.